by Insight Editor | May 14, 2019 | HR Support Services
This time of the year marks a time of renewal and change. Outside, flowers are coming into bloom, while inside a winter’s worth of dust is efficiently exterminated. Increased footfall turns GAA pitches from green to muddy brown, while preliminary heats start in...
by Insight Editor | Mar 4, 2019 | HR Support Services
What is absenteeism? At its simplest, it’s when an employee is not physically present – though there is also the “presenteeism” of employees being physically present but not adequately focussed on their work. This could result from a lack or limit on paid sick time,...
by Insight Editor | Jan 1, 2019 | Employment Law Compliance, HR Support Services
Take a look at your work email inbox. Beyond the chit-chat with colleagues, spam, and discounts on spa weekends from, the majority of work-related messages probably contain questions, queries, and requests for clarification. How many of these messages lie...
by Insight Editor | Dec 10, 2018 | HR Support Services, Redundancy Management
Britain’s vote to leave Europe with no-deal has the potential to rock the Irish economy, with those working in agri-food, agriculture, traditional manufacturing and road-transport likely to be the hardest hit. Economic experts believe a no-deal Brexit will have...
by Insight Editor | Jun 19, 2018 | HR Support Services
Recently, two black men arrived early to a business meeting at a Starbucks Coffee Shop in Philadelphia. One man asked to use the bathroom without making a purchase, then calmly joined his friend at a table, whereupon the police arrived, arrested them and escorted them...
by Insight Editor | May 8, 2018 | Employment Law Compliance, HR Support Services, Workplace Conflict
Are you afraid to joke with your female colleagues? Do you feel unsure as to where the banter stops and the offence starts? We are in a new era of transparency around sexual harassment, and women of all ages, in all walks of life, are now calling it out. #Me Too...